Class pages

Robert Bakewell Primary School has its own sequential Curriculum which meets the requirements of the EYFS and National Curriculum. We call our curriculum our ‘Subject Sequences’.

Due to careful planning of skills progression and knowledge objectives we have continuity across the school which enables high aspirations to be met in an inclusive manner for all children. We extensively planned our curriculum to ensure the chosen themes reflect our local context, engaging content and inspirational people who drive our children to be independent, collaborative, resilient and hard working. The chosen themes are posed as questions as we know all children are unique so if we pose learning as a question, every child can find a way of answering the question in their most suitable manner. The teachers produce a ‘Knowledge Organiser’ each half term which outlines what will be taught during that unit. These are produced in a ‘quizible’ way so they can be used at home or in school to low stakes test the children’s recall of knowledge.

As we are called ‘Robert Bakewell’ we felt it very important for local context to be woven through our curriculum. The importance Robert Bakewell had on the farming landscape is recognised in many aspects of our day to day teaching from the active Farm we have on our grounds to refined teaching objectives in our curriculum. We want our children to know where their educational journey began but also why it is shaped in the manner that it is. Educational visits, high quality resources, experiences and visits from experts in their field are used to enrich our curriculum with experiential knowledge development.

Lower School






Upper School





