
Welcome to the Alder class page

Welcome to the start of your child’s Learning Journey at Robert Bakewell. We are looking forward to getting to know them as they settle into their first year at school.

This term’s topic is all about Being Me in My World and we will be exploring our learning question
“Who am I?”
though all our subjects.

In English we will be looking at the stories, Elmer and Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We will be focusing on how to handle books correctly and use them to retell stories we have heard. In maths children will be learning to sort and compare objects, create repeating patterns and talk about measures. In RHSE, we will be teaching the children to see themselves as a valuable individual and learning how to express their feelings and consider the feelings of others . Our science lessons will focus on learning the names of different parts of the body. In music, we will be learning a range of nursery rhymes with a focus on Head, shoulders, knees and toes. In art, the children will be taught how to create a self-portrait using a variety of art materials.

At Robert Bakewell we firmly believe that reading is the key that opens doors for our children. Please ensure that you hear your child read daily and record this in their diary so that they can earn points towards our fabulous reading prizes.

Please keep an eye on our webpage as we will upload photographs on a regular basis, to showcase the wonderful learning that is going on in our indoor and outdoor classrooms.

PE this half term will be on Thursday, so please ensure children have their indoor PE kit in school each week. This includes black shorts/leggings and white t-shirts and black pumps. Please ensure your kit is named!

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to either speak to a member of our team or get in touch via email;

Meet the Team

  • Mrs Altimas

    Class Teacher

  • Miss Compton


  • Miss Jones


  • Mrs Tyers


  • Miss Mistry


Class News